“Parallax Scrolling With Content" module. Create captivating and interactive web experiences by seamlessly integrating parallax scrolling with rich text, buttons, forms, and images. This documentation page will guide you through harnessing the full potential of this powerful module. Enhance user engagement, tell compelling stories, and capture leads effectively. Get ready to transform your website with unforgettable scrolling experiences using the "Parallax Scrolling With Content" module. Let's dive in and explore the endless possibilities together.
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Layout Options: Welcome to the "Parallax Scrolling With Multi Content" module. This powerful module provides you with beautifully designed banners and with multiple functionalities. Here are some of the possible layout options:
Customise the content part of headline, description, button, form, image from Content settings.
1. Headline: Write the headline text and select the Heading type. Heading type selection aids in SEO.
2. Description: Write the description you want to showcase on your image here.
3. Button: Customise the CTA button label, URL and other controls from here.
4. Form: Select the HubSpot form that you want to target from your account, and select what happens after the form is filled from here.
5. Image: Select the image you of your choice from here.
Customise the module settings, content area, headline, description, button and form from style settings.
1. Module Settings: Customise the module background, height & content width and spacing from module settings.
2. ontent Area: Customise the content area width & alignment and text alignment from content area settings.
3. Headline: Customise the headline text settings from headline settings
4. Description: Customise the description content from description settings.
5. Button: Customise the button text, background, border, corners, spacing and what happens when you hover over the button from button settings.
6. Form: Customise the form settings, labels, fields, error message and button from form settings.
6.1 Form Settings: Customise the form background, border, corners and spacing from form settings.
6.2 Labels: Customise the label fonts from labels settings.
6.3 Fields: Customise the colour & font size, height, background, border and corners from fields settings.
6.4 Error Message: Choose the error message colour from here.
6.5 Button: Customise the button text, background, border, corners, spacing, hover and button size & alignment from button settings.
The "Parallax Scrolling With Content Documentation" module offers you a range of powerful features to enhance your parallax properties and make them more engaging. With options like Headline, Description, Image, Button, Form and under styling properties the module has background image, overlay color, height and spacing for the banner and for the banner content module has properties like font, alignment, border, corner radius, text color, spacing, background for the fields you can truly make your parallax effect stand out. The module's intuitive interface and easy-to-use customization options make it a great choice for any website looking to improve the visual content.