Service Card Module Documentation


The “Service Cards” module provides you with the functionality to easily highlight your multiple services on a single page section. Showcase all your services in a stylish way with this dynamic module. With a plethora of customisation options available, you can easily add this beautifully crafted module to seamlessly integrate with your website style, structure, and design. 



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Service Card Module Documentation

Possible Layouts

Layout Options: Welcome to the "Service Cards" module, a powerful tool that helps you showcase your services in attention grabbing style.

  • Add multiple cards:: The “Service Cards” module gives you the functionality to add multiple stylish cards that can be separately customised for that specific service.
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly:The "Service Cards" module is designed to provide optimal viewing experiences on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. With its responsiveness, your page will adapt seamlessly, ensuring a consistent and engaging experience across all platforms.
  • Customisation:The “Service Cards” module comes with a bunch of customisations, all of which you can control to give the user a seamless experience in tandem with your website’s colours, style, and design.

Content features: 

Using content settings, you can customise the headline, description and link to redirect the user after clicking on the specific module card add icon choice cusotm or hubspot icon.

Style features: 

Customise the feature layout, icon and card from style settings. 

Select the layout type of your choice


From icon settings, you can customise icon type, icon size, icon spacing, and icon colour with and without hover. 

Customise the card you choose through card settings. 

customize headings & description font style

customize corner radius.

customize hover effect heading, description with move-up effect.

Customise card background colour, background, background overlay colour, background image and its size using background settings alignment shadow effect enable disable.


The "Service Cards" module provides you with a powerful tool to showcase your services on your website with this beautiful module with plethora of available customisation options. With this, you can make your website viewing experience seamless, organised, and better to view in structured manner. Start leveragingService Cards” module today.